Friday, March 9, 2012

I'm a Mommy!

My youngest little boy is at a very funny stage where everything he says makes us laugh!Sometimes he really does bring tears to our eyes. This age is by far my favorite because of how his little personality is really coming out, and he's becoming his own person. He loves to joke and say things that he knows is not true just to get us picking at him. He told me the other day, in his sweetest, sneakiest little voice, "you're not a girl!"  Well, of course I had to rebute this statement! :)  I then asked him, "well, if I'm not a girl then what am I??"  He says in his "for-real" sweet voice, "you're a mommy."

Out of all the titles in this world I could have, "Mommy" is by far my favorite! As women we can wear many hats and take on many titles:  wife, daughter, neice, granddaughter, mother, friend, teacher, cook, housekeeper, etc...................  but there is something special about being called a Mommy. That title is personal and intimate. Any female is capable of carrying a child, but it takes someone really dedicated to become a mommy. Laying all selfish desires, and worldly wants down. I can't be focused on what's best for ME, and what I want anymore...their needs are greater than mine. I have been given this responsiblity by the Lord to raise these children the best way I know how, with His guidance. Of course, Eric is my partner in raising these boys, but being their mom is not a job I take lightly. I desire to teach them first and foremost the ways of the Lord, and the rest follows. Some days being a mommy is not easy, and I know that harder days are probably to come, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

"You shall love the Lord your God with all you heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up." --Deut. 6:5-7

This is why I'm home with teach them!  I don't want the world views to overshadow their way of thinking. Yes, I believe they need to have a clear reality of the world, but the ways of the Lord should be on their hearts & minds so that they can distinguish the difference and make Godly choices.  This is my prayer for them!

I enjoy being their Mommy and all that goes along with it...playing cars, watching endless baseball games, kissing boo-boos, retrieving splinters, snotty-dirty kisses, and accepting that we will NEVER have a family dinner without someone passing gas or burping! :)
I pray that when they are grown they will look back on these days with fond memories. My desire is for them to "rise up and call me blessed" (Prov. 31:28) not for my own boasting, but just to know I've done my job and done it well.

Side Note:
I have to share that God is good! He provides in ways and through people that amaze me. He is ALWAYS right on time! We have been praying as a family for God's provisions financially, and He is showing my boys that He does answer prayers! I have to ask for His forgiveness for my doubt and unbelief. As soon as I really start to wonder where He is, He shows up and reminds me that it's all in His timing, and I'm impatient! :)  I'm thankful that He loves me anyway, despite all my imperfections.

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